Circle of Blood-Insania Seorsum Demo review. FFO: Filthy, Grotty Old School Death Metal.
Circle of Blood-Insania Seorsum Demo review. FFO: Filthy, Grotty Old School Death Metal.
This is the most brutal 12 mins(and 37 secs!) you will hear of heavy music this year. And it will tick every box for the old school and new school Death Metal fan. The release is made by proficient musicians from the hardcore community that have a genuine love for this extreme music and it is truly nasty. Whilst there are only three tracks, you could easily think this was peak 90's Old School Death Metal album songs. The riffage is thick, completely focused and so damn moshy. The songwriting is clever, utterly on point and obviously influenced by the classic bands of that genre. Demagogue is a very Morbid Angel/Obituaryesque track with a slight touch of hardcore in its brief two steppy moments. Such an overwhelming opener with abrasive vocals mixed with hectic guitar wizard and lovely dissonance. Drums are confidently grim and first-class as is every part of this debut. Flesh Torn from Bone is the second track and absolute highlight of this release, the whole thing is gripping in its dark and hectic tone. I loved the intelligent tempo shifts and again Circle of Blood come across as definite seasoned OSDM demigods. The hardest part is to pick the absolute best moment of this magnificent track, today I choose the mayhemic rollercoaster ending. Tomasin rounds off this beast of a demo with a track that has strong headnods to both Entombed and Carcass to my ears. This personifies the utter filth and stench of these glorious tunes, every moment is dripping in blood and grot. And as a reviewer of extreme metal, hardly anyone that tries to replicate the sounds of this era gets it right without sounding lame. Now, these cheeky fuckers bounce in like they just returned from a headlining tour in the USA or Europe. Whilst they fully embrace the finest Death Metal band influences in their overall sound, Circle of Blood by their expert skill level achieved by being seasoned musicians write fiercely dynamic songs that are catchy and heavy as hell. And at the same time don't sound like an OSDM cover band. This is a wild achievement for a demo. So be warned and watch the progress of this killer three-piece unit that seems hellbent on destroying your eardrums.Out now:
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