Dee Snider-Leave a Scar album review. FFO:Metal, Heavy Metal and more Metal.


Dee Snider-Leave a Scar album review. FFO:Metal, Heavy Metal and more Metal.

This is a solid album that soars with its more rage-filled moments. Leave A Scar balances out the melodic tracks with some serious killer tracks that even border on metalcore. This sounds huge as production is expertly handled by Jamey Jasta and it pops hard. I personally think that the harder tracks stand out more, but Dee is 66 years of age he can do what the fuck he wants.
His voice on his solo albums is so much better than the TS albums and he mixes the old school with the new, and no one does that well. This is a wicked release and it is well worth getting as it warrants endless plays. The album is like Judas Priest's 2018 classic Firepower a record that defies time and shines a spotlight on proper metal gods.
