Panache, Prog Rock & Not Knowing Anything About Swedish Poetry, A Mylingen Review: BY M H Thomson

Panache, Prog Rock & Not Knowing Anything About Swedish Poetry, A Mylingen Review:
BY M H Thomson

                                                        Swedish black metal band Mylingen’s debut full length record was released recently and it’s an interesting listen. A litany of wistful melodies and melancholic lyrics with brutal heft dominate the album although the lens of painfully generic black metal stereotypes they chose to present it through means the gravitas of the albums resolve never really connects. This record however is not without its merits, the infrequently spotlighted but ever present underlying progressive ambience is a real asset; the nice opeth-esque acoustic guitar passages and odd doleful piano interludes inform the heavier moments with a thoughtful panache. 


Most of the tracks manage to simultaneously exhibit their own unique character whilst also feeling just similar enough to their peers such that none of them really stand out in any meaningful way. “Ett Dödens Bud” has its ‘if Mysþyrming were a prog rock band’ style thing going on, “Förlist” has its Amon Amarth style viking metal riffage and moments of weird sci-fi alien sounding synth, and “Mot Slutet Av Ett Liv” goes full send on the funerary dirge. All of these elements are of great benefit to their respective tunes, the rest of the record however just kind of exists.


In terms of genericness I’m going to give them a soft pass on the lyrical front simply due to my lack of knowledge of Swedish prose and poetry although the rather plainly worded english translations lead me to err on the side of believing this is hardly the work of Snorri Sturlusen. What I can confirm with confidence is the lyrics are dark, grim lamentations of death and depression which whilst hardly uncommon in black metal does make one worry for the mental health of its author. I do hope they’re doing ok.


All told Under En Svart Himmel is a solid if not terribly unique listening experience that I’m certain black metal aficionado's will embrace with some warmth, but unfortunately will most likely get buried in maelstrom for the rest of us whom only listen casually to the genre. But if you are into your black metal then definitely give it a go.


