High / Bataälla-Split EP review by Mark J. FFO: High energy thrashy punk/riffs.

High / Bataälla-Split EP review by Mark J. FFO: High energy thrashy punk/riffs.
This fantastic EP dropped in June on one of my favourite DIY punk labels, the mighty SubZine Records from Germany(home to endless incredible bands worth checking out). This is HIGH's fourth release and this time with Bataälla-both are very broadly punk bands of the more rock'n'roll punk particularly in the vague vein of The Hives/Refused/Hellacopters etc in reference to the guitars etc. I mean it's tagged as crust or D-beat but I cannot really hear heaps of that. That said, this is an awesome split-diverse and energetic as fuck.
HIGH is a German thrashy punk band that slices through every track with fury. Rainbow Division is a huge banger, it mixes wild riffs with frenzied vocals and solid backing vocals. Definitely a powerful track and a really cool vibe, they would be one excellent live band. They back this up with Keine Herren keine Diener which is equally super tempoed and has the thickest riffs and wildest solos and again superb vocals.
Then Spanish punkers Bataälla keeps the punk/rock happening and definitely a great pairing, but way different is a more melodic punk, but again very rock; in the best possible way. See I love cheesy riffs if they get my head nodding and this EP is full of these from both bands. El Ego is damn punchy and catchy at the same time, and this is again a band that is made for the stage. La Rueda even has some mad vocal effects, almost like a horror vibe, and this is one of the best tracks, it is a mix of 80's hardcore meets garage punk. And a raging solo that hits it out of the park.
El Final closes out the EP in an almost dramatic 80's stadium rock beginning, which was cool as hell and then goes loco as hell, with ballistic tempo changes and acidic vocals. Damn, these bands write well-written tracks and the tone and mood are aggressive and vigorous.
Buy this and support the underground!
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