Orbyssmal-Execration album review. FFO: Extreme, experimental black metal noise.


Orbyssmal-Execration album review. FFO: Extreme, experimental black metal noise. 

Is this Australia's most brutal and most extreme metal band-absolutely!. In a short time, like less than 2 years this barbaric and deeply brutish band has delivered nine solid releases and all are unhinged and deranged works of extreme metal greatness. This act always delivers and destroys all your senses. Thanks for messing with my head again, this is brutal beautiful audio insanity.

As previously Orbyssmal is a mix of raw black metal and completely experimental insane noise. Call these fuckers avant-garde, but at the end of the day this is wild, harsh and off the chain metal that pushes the boundaries to the utter limit. Opener Segment misleads you into thinking it may be a slightly more relaxed album, but alas this is one of their best releases and also their most experimental. The eight tracks that follow this are all unique and simply unbalanced art at its finest. Everything sounds like it's a soundtrack to a banned underground horror movie, and there are consistent themes of brutish guitar riffs, schizoid vocals, weird song structures/time signatures and various twisted noise from every direction. But it all works so well, for me, extreme metal should be an uneasy listen and needs to sound like demons are in my ears and attempting to blow my head apart. This release personifies the ethos of this fantastic band, they do not give a flying fuck about trends or subgenres and they are dedicated to making the most disturbing and berserk music possible. Would I listen to this release every day, no fucking chance but for a solid nuclear weapon of inhuman darkness-nothing comes close. I am not doing the track by track nonsense as Execration serves its best purpose as a whole document, not a single parts analysis. One track even has Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder, it's hardly recognisable but adds extra tone to the particular track. This is a perfectly wild album full of intelligent writing and sheer inhumane soundscapes. Listen and discover the true extreme nature of metal!.

Out now:
Search on Instagram you fuckers or hit them up via the above bandcamp link.
