BulletBelt reviews: Black Void, Kreator.
The aim of BulletBelt reviews is concise straight to the point old school reviews in the style of MRR/old hardcore/metal zines. Today we have an excellent array of bands with substantial gems of black metal/crust, and classic thrash metal.

Black Void-Antithesis album; is a raging mix of black metal, crust and thrash. It surprised me as at times it rips chunks of flesh off you, but at the same time is as rocking as Motorhead or Hellhammer and also has mega meaty riffs throughout. This is a solid 38 mins of grim and heavy blackened speed punk thrash. The opener Void has some cool melodic moments mixed with almost Bathory worship. The second track Reject Everything is probably what bands like Behemoth should aim for instead of stadium black metal. Death to Morality, Tenebrism of Life, No Right No Wrong and It's Not Surgery, It's a Knife Fight really showcase how skilled this band is in this brilliant section of the album. All excellent tempo, aggressive and catchy as hell songs. Not that the other tracks don't pummel you with a sledgehammer, but this section is amazing. Dadaist Disgust was a brilliant closer, just an insane well-written anthem of the highest order. Killer album, get it now:

Kreator-Hate Uber Alles album. Believe it or not, this is Kreator's15th album and they show zero sign of letting up. The great news, is this is a solid and awesome album of intense thrash with some cool tangents. But the main thing as always is the whole album is built around huge riffs, punishing drums and Mille's sensational vocals. The bad news is straight after listening to this; you will be thinking when can I see this album performed live. There is tons of tracks that are made for the live front; the title track, the bombastic Strongest of the Strong( how excellent is that mad riff and the almost Megadeath-like evil laugh at the end...so great!), Crush the Tyrants, Become Immortal(definitely some Judas Priest throwbacks here...fuck yes!), the insanity and riff war of Conquer and Destroy, and Demonic Future( with the best transitions and riffs since Slayer's South of Heaven). Plus the album has some cool twists like Midnight Sun with some excellently placed female vocals that really make the track soar, Pride Comes Before the Fall has some great Melodic Death moments that also show how broad the band can go (even this late in their career) whilst still always slicing you apart with their aggression. Dying Planet closes the album off in a magnificent, dramatic and very overwhelming Kreator style. This has some intelligent symphonic metal touches(don't be scared, because I pretty much cannot stand that genre of metal-but this is wicked) and the resonating, deep and drawn-out pace is incredible-so purposeful and focused. This album is excellent and this band still has so many great albums in them. Get this when it drops on June 10.
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