Werewolves-The Dead are Screaming album review.

Werewolves-The Dead are Screaming album review.

I keep repeating myself, but 2020 will go down as a landmark year for heavy albums. And this release jumped out and ripped my head right out of my body. FFS, this is a brutal celebration of what the band even coined blackened caveman death-metal. This album is not about technical wizardry, deeply analytical lyrics or subtlety, it is hectic, aggressive metal that simply does not fuck about. The band may contain ex-members of well-respected metal faves The Bezerker and Psycroptic, but this is a beast of its own. The album sounds like OSDM on steroids. Tracks like Dogknotted and No More Heroes are the best Aussie extreme metal tunes I can recall in ages. And what I absolutely loved was the sick thrash undercurrent on many tracks. This works an absolute treat with the very Morbid Angel type extreme nature of vocals, riffs, and artillery like drums. Indeed the whole release is very in your face and dynamic. I loved this and rate this debut album up there with peak Blood Duster and Damaged. Heavy, brutal, and every track sounds absolutely sensational.


  1. I'm going to go ahead and agree with this 10000%. Absolutely incredible, badass, brutal, and somehow catchy and memorable despite the savagery


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