Werewolves interview with Sam, as expected always brutal and funny as fuck. What legends!!.

Werewolves interview with Sam, as expected always brutal and funny as fuck. What legends!!.
The grandiose 2024 Werewolves interview:
it seems like you have been around forever, but it’s only been five years with
one EP and five albums-minus cheap beer and probable use of AI, how the fuck do
you keep dropping such crushing and filthy releases?
bash other bands and steal their riffs.
OK, I wish
we did that, it’d probably be easier. Matt simply picks a week, caffeinates
until his eyeballs vibrate, writes an album, gives them to Dave who has an
insatiable hunger to record blasts for every band on the planet, then the
filtered drip-fed death metal makes its way to me. And I just try and keep up
with them. Simple as that.
plans for overseas tours etc?
SAM: I’m
gonna do everyone a favour and keep the scope of this to Werewolves, there’s
like a “Graham’s Number” amount of stories between us when it comes to all our
bands. The Archspire/Ingested national tour in 2023 was great fun, those bands
are just so cool to hang with. The bit of me which is traumatized from years of
world-touring with Berzerker still can’t quite believe that it’s possible to
tour and have fun without disasters and shouting and bullshit and tour managers
trying to rob you…it comes down to the awesomeness of Dave and Soundworks,
really. The last night of that tour, Matt and I got on the piss a bit with the
Ingested boys and Spencer from Archspire and swapped some epic eyebrow-raising
stories. We really liked the Mayhem/Ulcerate tour earlier in the year, and
those kiwis are cool, but Mayhem kind of kept to themselves.
I reckon the standouts have been the two Adelaide end-of-tour shows I’ve done.
There’s a fantastic eye-of-the-storm feeling by then whenever we play, we’re
proper broken in. Pure violence. God help everyone if we ever play more than
five shows in a row.
There’s no
current plans for overseas tours. It’s definitely something I want to do, and
everyone keeps letting us know it’s what they want. Matt and Dave’s bands keep
being stunningly successful though and they tour those instead. I’m hoping we
get overseas before I need a walking frame to get out on stage.
SAM: Hmmm, the connoisseur in me thinks that question might
be ChatGPT3, not even the new edition. Cheap. Anyway, I loved AAWIL and The
Howling, never saw Wolfen. I actually threw a full tantrum when my parents
wouldn’t let me go see AAWIL in the cinemas which was kind of fair enough, I
was only like eight years old. Really liked “The Company of Wolves” as well,
the advertising art for that went super-fucken hard. Obviously, that’s where we
got that song title for this latest album, and it drives me berserk whenever
media fucks it up and calls it “The Company Wolves”.
Matt chose the band name. He had a dream he was pursuing. I
was against it at first, I found a bunch of other bands with the same name
online, but eventually, I just went “fuck it, call it what you want, I just want
to play in a band with you guys”. It became apparent within a month or two that
we’d outwork and overshadow anyone else who had the name.
I reckon most extreme metal bands barely think about their
lyrics and vocals, there are so few of them that seem to really make an effort.
We were lucky to find our style or ‘voice’ pretty early so we’ve gone ahead and
ploughed that for all it’s worth…equal parts totally mental aggression, real-world issues loathing, and the darkest possible humour. I’m old enough to
remember death metal bands with cool vocals, not this bathtub-emptying-gurgling
bullshit all the infants are jizzing their nappies about these days. So I
basically do what was awesome and cool when I was growing up and everyone
thinks I’m fresh and innovative. Idiots.
Your fifth album Die for Us is a fast-paced, demented slab of Death metal mixed with other rancid flavours of extreme metal-it’s probably your best album so far, how do you maintain your hatred for all mankind over each album?( and it was incredible finally to see an album as powerful and as unhinged as Damaged’s Do not spit)
SAM: Do Not Spit? That’s some high praise. I’m pretty sure I
headbanged at least 40 IQ points out of my skull to that back in the day.
The hatred for mankind is in our hearts, our minds, our
souls. It’ll take more than our lives going wonderfully to get rid of that. We’re
only going to get worse. Much, much worse.
I feel that the new album is a major league step-up in terms of songwriting and performance. Would you agree with this sentiment?
SAM: Nah, it’s total shit.
Look, we do what we do, it turns out how it turns out, and
people surprise us with their reactions every time. We didn’t think our debut
album “The Dead Are Screaming” would get the reaction it did. If there was
something different about making “Die For Us”, it’s that we all hated making
it. Normally Werewolves albums are an easy simple joy to squeeze out, lots of
laughs, but this one was hard. It seemed to take a LOT more work than the
others. Dave especially was in pain. We’re glad it’s out, now we can move onto
something that maybe hurts less to make.
What’s coming up next for you madmen? And how many albums are we destined to get out of you?
SAM: Dude! We’re doing ten albums in ten years, I thought
everyone knew that. They’re all gonna be full death metal warfare bangers as
well. So it goes without saying that work has started on album 6, that’s past
the halfway point. It’s all downhill from here! We’re a bit slack this time,
normally we have the next album done when the current is released. Shows are
coming as well, we’ve got the Colossus support in September followed by Hell on
the Bay Saturday 14th September…we’ve kind of taken almost a year
off, so I suspect the announcements are going to ramp back up again.
Why is most music that isn’t from the extreme genre so piss-weak and why should everyone buy your albums?
SAM: Me and Matt listen to Rick James and NWA when we hang
out. We don’t give a fuck. I never listen to metal. Everyone should buy our
shit because it crushes and we’re getting old, we need more multiple income
streams to buy slums.
Thanks for your time and brilliant albums!!!
SAM: Word up G 666!!!
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