Seum-Summer of Seum EP review.


Seum-Summer of Seum EP review.

FFO: Dirty, Gritty Bass driven Sludge/Doom done perfectly.

Seum are a "Doom 'N Bass trio from Montreal that will shatter your speakers and get you headbanging and foot-tapping like a crazed mofo. There is no guitar at all, but the way these guys utilise the bass and drums to smother you in sound is remarkably astonishing. The six tracks that make up this fabulous release that dropped in the latter part of 2020 all flow fantastically well and even on a decently loud volume via Youtube you feel your innards dissolving from the heaviness of the overall sound. It broadly is in the Sludge/Doom/Stoner genre, but is far from generic. The whole thing literally overwhelms you with its big arse riffs and it has an enormous muddy, murky and at the same time groovy sound base. This is matched with vocals that are strained and almost like's a deranged mix that works flawlessly. Since this EP that did an amazing Prince cover and more recently a split where they covered another band's tune. These are all worth your time and a full album by this band is needed desperately. This release also has artwork for each song by a different artist and this band are into matching the art with the deranged music; something artists need to do more of. It just shows their commitment to a stellar final product. 

I encourage you to check this amazing band out and keep an eye on all their future releases.

Buy it here:
and also check out all their all are perfectly nasty and hectic!!!
Watch this:
